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Top 10 Baby Stuff - Part 2: The Toys

Here's Part 2 of 3 in my series on All Things Baby...

So last time I wrote about (mainly) all the big stuff, The Gear.

Here's my list of Top 10 Toys my baby has taken to during his first 6 months of life.  Some are already on their way out as he discovers new things.  It is really incredible how quickly babies grow and develop and change.  One week, they're obsessed with their hands but can't pick something up from the floor to save their life.  The next week, they're obsessed with their feet and passing blocks between their hands like it ain't no thang.  As much as I didn't want to be one of those parents who filled their home with toys upon toys - something has to be said for keeping a baby stimulated.  Something also has to be said about keeping a baby occupied long enough for Mommy to get some stinkin' (literally!) dishes or laundry done!

Top 10 Baby Toys
(prices are MSRP)

Wimmer Ferguson Infant Stim Mobile, by Manhattan Toy, $28.

When Baby Loves It:  Months 2 to 5
Why Baby Loves It:  Once H really began to "see", he was MESMERIZED by the high-contrast, eye-catching, & colorful graphics. And if he kicked his feet just enough to make his crib shake a little, the objects lightly danced - which helped develop his tracking abilities.  H especially took to the face graphic.  I named it "Bobby" and some of the first coos I heard from my baby were directed at Bobby.
Why Mama Loves It:  This was probably the first thing I was able to "park" my kid in front of (actually, under) for a prolonged period of time.  I loved that the cards were interchangeable so I could switch them out as H got used to them (except, of course, Bobby who was always in the center spot).  I also liked that you could adjust how low it hangs, so as your baby's eyesight develops and his range increases, you can move it farther and farther away from him.

Ring O' Links, by Sassy, $4

When Baby Loves It: Months 2 and up
Why Baby Loves It: I can't remember whether H was just learning to mouth things or was full-on teething when I bought this toy for him - regardless, he loved it from the get-go! At first, since he hadn't fully developed fine motor hand skills yet, I took all the links off the ring and strung them together.  He would play with them when in his car seat or infant chair, just grabbing onto one of the links and trying to bring it up to his mouth. He also liked just shaking the bejeezus out of them, especially if I strung them across the crossbar on his infant seat. Now that his dexterity is better, I've put all the links back on the ring (as pictured) and he enjoys going through & mouthing/gumming each one individually. It does also function as a rattle (apparently one of its main intents).
Why Mama Loves It:  It seemed to stimulate Baby's sight, touch, dexterity, and curiosity as he grasped, shook, mouthed, flung, and gummed the different textured & colored links.  The black & white ring, which is a slightly softer, more rubbery texture than the hard plastic links, made for a good first teething toy for him too because it was so easy to grasp.

Sophie the Giraffe Teether, by Vulli, $25

When Baby Loves It:  Months 5 and up
Why Baby Loves It: Who knew a giraffe was the ideal shaped teether? The French, apparently.  H, and I believe most babies who take to it, love that there are so many different shapes, nooks, crannies, and body parts to mouth, gum, drool on, and eventually gnaw.  The fact that it squeaks (although a little too akin to a dog squeeze toy for me) helps distract a crying baby, alerting him that Sophie has arrived to assuage his frustrations and/or discomfort.  Although, the manufacturer says Sophie is fine for babies from birth on, it really becomes invaluable once your little one has the manual dexterity to properly hold and manipulate Sophie - oh, and once he/she is teething, of course.
Why Mama Loves It:  Sophie is apparently a status symbol now. If you're baby doesn't have a Sophie (or two or three...) you and your (unborn) baby should just crawl back under the rock you've obviously been under for the past 1-2 years.  If you don't have a Sophie, it also means all the people who know you and knew you were having a baby, and STILL didn't buy you a Sophie probably don't like you and want you to be the pariah who asks at Mommy Group, "What's that giraffe thing?" Other than all that, it's a pretty darn good teething toy. Enough said.

Vanilla-flavored Teething Rings, by Vulli, $9 for 2

When Baby Loves It: Months 4 and up
Why Baby Loves It: These are great because they're a lot easier to grasp and manipulate than Sophie, so Baby can play with them much earlier.  My baby loved the vanilla scent/flavor and the harder material (they're not as bendy soft as Sophie).  The lamb one is especially fun for them to mouth, I think, because of their extra bumpy texture!
Why Mama Loves It: Gives Baby something to chew on! They are especially good if you have an early teether who may not be able to hold/manipulate more complicated teething toys.

Jacques the Peacock, by Lamaze, $17

When Baby Loves It: Months 4 and up
Why Baby Loves It:  It crinkles, it's brightly colored, it's got taggies and a menacing stare.  My friend (who actually gave us Jacques as a gift) and I laugh at how our babies tend to beat up on Jacques. Oh, how we Americans like to beat on the French - eh?
Why Mama Loves It: Jacques is a great Distraction Toy.  I call something a Distraction Toy, when its primary purpose is to calm or distract a fussy child.  You pull out a DT in an emergency or as a last resort.  You don't want to have your baby play with a DT for too long lest they grow tired of it. You have to maintain its novelty for as long as you can, thus DTs must be used sparingly and at strategic times and under very specific circumstances. DTs are great for long car rides and in any other situation where you know ahead of time that it will be difficult for your child to stay occupied, calm, and/or content.

Baby Banana Bendable Training Toothbrush, by Baby Banana, $8

When Baby Loves It: When s/he starts teething.
Why Baby Loves It: It's made of that bendy, soft rubber that teething babies CRAVE.  Like Sophie, it's got lots of different angles/ends to gnaw on - the brush end, the nubby end, and even the handles!
Why Mama Loves It: It keeps fussy teething babies content (at least for a while), and it supposedly gets your baby used to the feeling of a brush on their teeth & gums, which theoretically will aid in better dental hygiene down the line.  Only drawback: It attracts lint like a belly button. So be prepared to wash it off regularly. I usually rinse it in hot water and immediately wrap it in a paper towel or napkin if we're going somewhere and I need to put it in the diaper bag.  You think dropping a toy on the ground is how it gets dirtiest? Try just putting it in one of the diaper bag pockets. I guarantee it will pick up just as much dust & dirt in there as on the restaurant floor.

Musical Motion Activity Jumper, by Baby Einstein, $90

When Baby Loves It: Month 5 (or whenever they have the neck/back strength) until walking
Why Baby Loves It:  "Exersaucers" and "Jumperoos" give babies much needed (I think) & much appreciated freedom and the feeling of mobility they just can't get on their tummies, backs, or behinds before they've learned to stand/walk.  Even babies who crawl still get a kick out of these types of toys because they have the vantage point of being upright.  Of course, all things in moderation.  Many doctors/parents/specialists don't like jumpers and the like because they can disrupt the natural development of a baby's muscles and posture that lead to proper standing and walking.  Of course for every guy who poo-poo's it, there's another one who says these toys give your child a sense of independence and builds confidence.  Plus, it just plumb makes 'em smile!
Why Mama Loves It: It keeps Baby occupied for minutes!!  And minutes are a long time when you're at home with a baby all day. Anything that allows you to go to the bathroom, check your email, answer the phone, etc., is pretty much a god send.  And like I said before, the babies LOVE it.  HHP ADORES this thing. I try to limit his time in it, in favor of tummy time and (now) playing on the floor sitting up - but I see his gaze drifting over to it now and again...

Take-Along Mobile, by Tiny Love, $25

When Baby Loves It:  Months 3 to 6
Why Baby Loves It:  It does a lot more than his other mobile!  I got this after seeing it attached to another baby's car seat handle at Gymboree.  H absolutely loathed being in his car seat, especially during Months 3 and 4, so this was a god-send.
Why Mama Loves It:  It's so versatile! It can clip to his crib, his car seat, even his stroller! It can rotate with or without music.  I definitely used it as a "last resort" distraction in the car... I'd only turn it on as a last resort.  These kinds of toys you don't want to over-utilize from the get-go because then Baby gets used to it too soon, and it's just a waste.  You have to use it sparingly - in only the direst of circumstances - for best results and longer lifetime of efficacy.  There's even one in a pink palette for those who prefer pink!

Oball, by Rhino Toys, $10

When Baby Loves It: Months 3 and on
Why Baby Loves It: He can mouth it, grasp it, shake it, throw it, squeeze it, gnaw on it... pretty much abuse the thing and it always just springs back to its original Buckyball-esque shape!
Why Mama Loves It:  Lightweight = Great for on-the-go.  Inexpensive = Easy on the pocket book.  Versatile = Keeps Baby occupied longer.  Colorful = Stimulating for Baby & easy to find for Mommy.  They even come shaped like footballs!

Wee Sing series, by Wee Sing, $10

When Baby Loves It:  From birth on!
Why Baby Loves It:  It helps Mama remember fun songs, finger plays, nursery rhymes, etc!  I've never come across a baby who didn't LOVE being sung to.  The Wee Sing series helps grown-ups remember or learn age-appropriate songs to sing to their little ones. It's never too early to surround babies with music!
Why Mama Loves It:  Well, this Mama grew up with Wee Sing - so she was soooo happy when she discovered they still existed! Of course, when I was young, you got the booklet and a cassette tape.  They're so modern and hip, they've gone ahead and updated to CDs.  My favorites were Wee Sing Around the Campfire (which is now Wee Sing Sing-Alongs), Wee Sing Bible Songs, and Wee Sing and Play.  I think I also had the Wee Sing Around the World... I started out with Wee Sing for Baby since, well, my baby's still just a baby!  I imagine as my baby grows, and I get some of the other CDs, it'll be fun to listen to in the car.

So I (finally) got this posted!  I'm back working full-time now, so I figured if I didn't stay up late and just finish it, I never would.  Part 3 will be the "Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda" portion of my series on All Things Baby.

"Stay tuned!"

1 comment:

  1. We are 7 for 10 of your list (well, once we get the banana brush)!
