Daisypath Anniversary tickers

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker



My EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery, a.k.a. "Baby's Due Date") - May 21st - coincides with what many believe will be the second coming of Jesus Christ.  Apparently, it's all in the Bible... if you do some reading between the lines and a little number-crunching:

May 21, 2011 = Judgement Day. 

I find it exceptionally intriguing that a whole group of people are looking forward to May 21st, like my husband and me, but for a very different reason.  The symptoms are probably the same though - an increasing sense of excitement and nervousness as the day approaches... We're probably asking ourselves very similar questions: "Did I do enough to prepare?" "What have I gotten myself into?" "What if everything (everyone) goes to all hell?"

We're looking forward to this day, but we have no idea what to expect.  Will it be the end of something? The beginning? Both?  Will my life become filled with a joy I've never even conceived of before? Will it bring disappointment?  Will I just discover that I'm a big fat failure?

So much pressure.  So much anticipation.  So much hope and fear and curiosity...

And, in the end (no pun intended), none of us will even have the wherewithal to realize the result.  We'll probably all just be in the mix, enjoying the ride, not able to think objectively and judge whether it was a success or a failure. 

That is, until it's too late.