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Things I can do from the couch

Although I am a self-proclaimed "couch commando", that doesn't mean I'm a couch potato or a complete TV addict (yes, yes, I know what I wrote in my last post).  What I'm trying to say is that I do a LOT more from the sofa than just watch tv & vegetate.  So here's a list of the many many activities I can do on the couch:

- watch tv (duh)
- watch movies
- play videogames (ok, I rarely do this... but it's been known to happen)
- sleep
- play with kitty (usually fetch - I throw his favorite mouse toy down the stairway, he runs and fetches it, brings it back, repeat)
- look at the beautiful view from our balcony - if I kneel on the couch and use the binoculars I can see so much!
- read books
- read magazines
- read catalogs
- do anything on the computer (mainly job hunt & check email, but also surf, shop, blog, read news & celebrity gossip, stumble)
- do crossword puzzles (with pen/paper & online)
- play sudoku (with pen/paper & online)
- watch kitty play by himself (usually running around if he's in a frisky mood or just going out on the balcony and exploring, walking across the railing, stalking pigeons, eating plants...)
- getting bit by kitty (when he's bored and wants me to get up & play with him or when he wants me to feed him)
- laying with kitty on my belly or lap
- paint nails
- tweeze eyebrows
- braid my own hair (not that it stays - even with my perm)
- do arm exercises (usually arm circles or just pumping my arms in the air like in the Destiny's Child video for "I'm A Survivor")
- do core exercises (I consider trying to sit up straight on a gushy couch until I tire to be core exercises)
- crack my neck
- crack my back
- do leg exercises (usually me, laying on my back, kicking my legs in the air like I'm riding a bicycle)
- do eye exercises (the best way is to focus on something really far away and then gently shift your focus to something closeby in the same line of sight - one eye at a time. I like to look at the coffee machine on the kitchen counter (far) and then at my knee (close), coffee machine, knee, and so on)
- eat
- drink
- talk on the phone/text/check voicemail
- check the time on the wallclock (who's second hand is eerily always on the 9 - it doesn't move - what a metaphor for my life)
- survey how much dust is on the living room furniture
- survey how much cat hair is on the sofa cushions
- think about what errands need to be run (grocery shopping list, target shopping list, do I need to go to the post office, should I just go get my nails done because I'm awful at doing them myself) - make a mental list - promptly forget
- think about what household chores need to be done (cleaning, dusting, laundry, trash) - make a mental list - promptly forget
- wonder what kitty's thinking
- yell at kitty and clap and make weird noises with my mouth to get kitty to get off the kitchen counter
- look at kitty looking at me
- wonder when I'm going to get a job
- wonder what my husband's doing at work
- wonder what my friends are doing at work
- wonder what I'll do if I never find a job again
- try to think of million, no, billion-dollar idea so I don't have to work again, ever


  1. Million dollar idea = Couch Commando Exercise System

    I think plenty of people would pay to find out how to get fit without leaving their couch. You might want to leave the eye exercises out. :)

  2. my my that's an impressive list.

    million dollar idea: kitty shooer. super duper long handle with a fly swatter contraption thingy on the end so that you don't have to leave the couch when shooing kitty off the kitchen counter. dual purpose - can also serve as a fly swatter when flies are faraway. oh yeah. i get a 10% cut.
