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Films that make you go "Hmmm"

Once in a while, you watch a movie, time passes, and slowly but surely - and with increasing frequency & intensity - you start to think back to the movie, which at first you didn't think much of. 

I watched Primer back in March, during my I-just-got-laid-off-now-I'm-going-to-watch-as-movies-as-humanly-possible phase, via Netflix Instant Watch, with my husband one evening.  I can't remember if someone had recommended the movie to me, or if I'd read about it - or maybe Netflix itself suggested it to me based on my past cinematic likes/dislikes.  I've deliberately not linked to its IMDB page, or even put an image of the movie poster up on this post, because if you are going to watch it after reading this - I want you to go into it knowing as little as I did.

I don't want to say the movie "haunts" me, but I have found myself thinking about it more and more lately (4 months later).  I'm not sure if something in my daily life or on the news triggered it, but as I do brainless mundane things - oh, like blogging - my mind starts to wander and I start thinking about the movie, its implications, and all the plot twists.  Bottom line: I like how this movie made me feel and think - and it pretty much tops my current Top 10 Recommendable Movies list.

What I will tell you is that the film is of science fiction genre.  It's about time travel.  It's very low budget and has, like, a 7-person cast.

That's all I'm going to say.  If you've watched it already - or if you watch it in the near future - please send me your thoughts and comments...


  1. hmmm you have me intrigued. Looked it up on Red Box and unfortunately they don't have it. I'll have to find it elsewhere ...
